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ASX - December 27, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company or Animoca Brands) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary has executed a definitive Asset Sale and PuchaseAgreement with iCandy Interactive Limited (ASX:ICI), for the sale of Animoca Brands’mobile casual games portfolio (Transaction).

ASX - December 27, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited ACN 122 921 813 (the Company) gives notice under section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act as follows:

(a)On 27 December 2017, the Company issued 43,461,530 fully paid ordinary shares.

(b)The shares were issued without disclosure to the investors under Part 6D.2 of the Corporations Act.

(c)As at the date of this notice the Company has complied with:

(i)the provisions of Chapter 2M of the Corporations Act as they apply to the Company; and

(ii)Section 674 of the Corporations Act.

(d)As at the date of this notice there is no excluded information required to be disclosed under section 708A(6)(e) of the Corporations Act.

ASX - December 27, 2017

New issue announcement, application for quotation of additional securities and agreement

ASX - December 27, 2017

Further to the announcement dated 15 November 2017, the Board is pleased to announce that it has completed the signing of the definitive Sales and Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of the portfolio of mobile casual games from Animoca BrandsLtd (ASX:AB1).

ASX - December 18, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company or Animoca Brands) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding term sheet to invest in, a leading artificial intelligence (“AI”) accelerator program, and that it has completed a ~A$715k placement to institutional and sophisticated investors.

ASX - December 14, 2017

The securities of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (the “Company”) will be placed in Trading Halt Session State at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in Trading Halt Session State until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 18 December 2017 or when the announcement is released to the market.

ASX - November 23, 2017

ASX has now confirmed that it does not require the Company to re-comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules, that shareholder approval is not required for the deal to proceed and ASX's review of the matter is now finalised.

ASX - November 15, 2017

Key points:

  • ICI is to acquire a large game portfolio from AB1 for a consideration of A$5m, with A$1m to be paid in cash and A$4m in ICI shares

  • A further A$3m performance fees will be payable in ICI if the acquired game portfolio meets the performance milestones over the first 2 years

  • The proposed acquisition is binding subject to AB1 obtaining relevant ASX and ICI and AB1 obtaining shareholder approval

  • The proposed acquisition will add on 325 million gamers onto ICI’s existing portfolio of games that have 23 million gamers

  • The upsized publishing and marketing reach will have a positive impact on ICI’s business and ongoing publishing partnership with NITRO project announced earlier

ASX - November 15, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company or Animoca Brands) is pleased to announce  that  it  has entered into a binding term sheet to sell the Company’s mobile casual games portfolio to iCandy Interactive Limited (ASX: ICI) (iCandy), a leading mobile games and entertainment group based in South-East Asia.

ASX - November 13, 2017

The securities of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (the “Company”) will be placed in Trading Halt Session State at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in Trading Halt Session State until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Wednesday 15 November 2017 or when the announcement is released to the market.

ASX - October 31, 2017

Key points

  • 57% quarter-on-quarter reduction in net operating cash outflow, following   business restructuring and implementation of cost reduction initiatives

  • Completed sale of 13 games to Maple Media, resulting in cash inflow of $1.4m with potential for deferred payments of up to $2.2m subject to performance hurdles

  • Completed partnership deal for Masterchef brand with Endemol Shine North America for global licensing deal to create mobile products

  • Company  reiterates  its  target  of  achieving  a  profitable  business  by  the end  of  4Q17 and continues to pursue opportunities to monetise its valuable intellectual property portfolio 

ASX - October 05, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company or Animoca Brands) is pleased to announce that it has signed a non-exclusive brand and content licence agreement with Endemol Shine North America for the hit culinary franchise MasterChef.

ASX - September 25, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company or Animoca Brands) is pleased to release a Company Update presentation which is attached to this announcement.

ASX - August 31, 2017

Interim Financial Statements For the Half-Year ended 30 June 2017

ASX - August 28, 2017

Key points

  • Animoca Brands has successfully completed the sale of 13 games to Maple Media for up to A$3.6m in cash

  • The Company will receive of ~A$1.4m as partial consideration of the Sale in August 2017

  • Further deferred payments of up to a maximum of ~A$2.2m, payable in 2018 and 2019, subject to revenue hurdles

  • Animoca Brands retains an option to sell an additional two apps to Maple Media

ASX - August 21, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Dulyne Pty Ltd Atf The Atlantis Superfund

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): 006 440 437

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 18/08/17

The previous notice was given to the company on 09/08/17

The previous notice was dated 09/08/17

ASX - August 11, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Paul John Pheby

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 10 August 2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 03 March 2017

The previous notice was dated 03 March 2017

ASX - August 10, 2017

We refer to your letter to the Company dated 4 August 2017 regarding the Company's Appendix 4C for the quarter ended 30 June 2017 (2Q17).

ASX - August 09, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Dulyne Pty Ltd Atf The Atlantis Superfund

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): 006 440 437

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 9/8/17

The previous notice was given to the company on 7/8/17

The previous notice was dated 4/8/17

ASX - August 07, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Dulyne Pty Ltd Atf The Atlantis Superfund

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): 006 440 437

The holder became a substantial holder on 4/7/17

ASX - July 31, 2017

Animoca  Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company or Animoca Brands) has today released its Appendix 4C for the three-month period from 1 April 2017 to 30 June 2017.


Key points

  • Total revenues for 2Q17 of A$1.5m, 17% lower than 2Q16

  • Cumulative app downloads grew to ~293 million (a 4.6% increase on 1Q17)

  • Completed rationalisation of cost base, expected to result in a A$3m run-rate reduction in expenses by the end of 2017

  • Signed non-binding term sheet for sale of 13 games, with up to ~A$3.63m in consideration, including ~A$1.75m in cash upfront

  • Company reiterates its target of achieving a profitable business by the end of 4Q17

ASX - July 31, 2017

Key points

  • Animoca Brands has entered into a non-binding term sheet to sell 13 games to Maple Media for up to ~A$3.63m in total consideration

  • Upfront cash consideration of ~A$1.75m is payable upon deal closing, currently anticipated to be in August 2017

  • Further deferred payments of up to total ~A$1.9m payable in 2018 and 2019 subject to revenue hurdles

  • The Company cautions that, while it is confident in the conclusion of a deal, the terms are non-binding at this stage; the Company will provide further updates to the ASX accordingly

ASX - July 10, 2017

Key points

  • Initiatives intended to strengthen the Company’s financial position going forward, with the target of achieving a profitable business by the end of the fourth quarter 2017

  • 22 new titles on track to be released in 3Q 2017 (vs 12 new titles in 3Q 2016)

  • Rationalisation of cost base following completion of major development phase to drive a $3m run-rate reduction in expenses by the end of 2017

  • Two  new  business  segments created  to  enable  discussions  with  third  parties  for  capital-efficient growth options that exploit the Company’s Intellectual Property

ASX - June 08, 2017

Name of director: Robert Yung

Date of last notice: 26 September 2016

Date that director ceased to be director: 6 June 2017


Name of director: Hu (Steven) Bin

Date of last notice: 24 August 2015

Date that director ceased to be director: 6 June 2017

ASX - June 06, 2017

As previously announced on 28 April 2017, Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (theCompanyor AnimocaBrands) is undertaking a cost reduction review. As part of this review, the Board has determined to make of a number of changes to its composition and the Company’s remuneration framework.

ASX - May 29, 2017

Adopted in accordance with a shareholders’special resolution passed on 29 May 2017.

ASX - May 29, 2017

In accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and section 251AA of the Corporations Act 2001(Cth), Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company) advises the results of the Company’s 2016 Annual General Meeting.

ASX - May 29, 2017

Animoca Brands FY16 AGM Presentation

ASX - May 25, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company) refers to its ASX announcement dated 23 December 2016, in which the Company advised that it had received a statement of claim issued in the District Court of Western Australia by Patersons Securities Limited (Patersons), with respect to a capital raising mandate between Patersons and the Company.

ASX - May 04, 2017


  • Animoca Brands adds educational mobile app BrainyTap to its portfolio of apps

  • BrainyTap is subscription based and provides educational content as well as the ability for users to create custom content within the app including games, puzzles, quizzes and e-books

  • The addition of the app to its portfolio provides Animoca Brands with an engine to create new educational content 

  • In line with the Company’s strategy to leverage existing engines and create new content from its licensed portfolio of brands

  • Advances the Company’s position in the education/edutainment sector

ASX - April 28, 2017


  • Total  unaudited  revenues  of  A$2.2m  for  1Q17,  in  line  with  1Q16, and  gross  unaudited profit of $1.5m for the quarter

  • Cash receipts from customers of A$1.9m, a 25% decrease on 4Q16 and a 31% decrease on 1Q16 (vs A$2.5m in 4Q16 and A$2.7m in 1Q16) due to collection timing

  • Downloads grew to 280.6m, with a total of 20.8m new downloads during the quarter driven by the launch of 15 new mobile game apps

  • Monthly Active Users (“MAU’s”) averaged 11.0m per month during the quarter

  • Thomas & Friends™: Read & Play!, e-book subscribers totaled 32,000 during the period, accounting for 5% of the revenue in 1Q17

  • Capital raise of A$5.2m, bolstering the Company’s cash position and providing funding to drive the growth of portfolio or recurring revenue apps

ASX - April 28, 2017

Date: Monday 29 May 2017

Time: 11.00 am (Melbourne time)


Grant Thornton

The Rialto

Level 30, 525 Collins Street

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

ASX - April 11, 2017

Animoca Brands' robot combat mobile game honoured with top awards

ASX - March 27, 2017

  • Publishing agreement signed with leading Japanese game developer and publisher COLOPL

  • COLOPL is a leading Japanese game developer and publishing giant

  • Agreement for Animoca Brands to publish COLOPL’s highly successful Tokyo Casino Project mobile social casino resort simulation game worldwide (excluding Japan)

  • Potential to drive Company’s revenue if the global performance is similar to that in Japan

ASX - March 20, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (the Company or Animoca) advises that effective today 20 March 2017, Ms Jillian McGregorhas resigned as Animoca’s Company Secretary, and MsAlyn Tai has been appointed as Company Secretary of Animoca.

ASX - March 20, 2017


  • Partnership with Star Stable Entertainment AB to co-develop and publish a portfolio of games based on its highly popular online 3D game, Star Stable Online

  • Agreement will include the development of mobile games leveraging existing game engines and will see both companies co-invest in the creation of a new proprietary game engine for episodic content

  • Episodic games offer an engaging and sophisticated experience for users, and have the potential to enhance in-app revenue through higher user engagement

  • Partnership and new game engine development represents the Company’s commitment to enhancing its game engine portfolio and expand its licensed intellectual property portfolio

ASX - March 15, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Paul John Pheby

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 03 March 2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 20 February 2017

The previous notice was dated 20 February 2017

ASX - March 09, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Datahouse Investments Limited

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 03 March 2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 09 February 2017

The previous notice was dated 09 February 2017

ASX - March 07, 2017

  • Brand license renewed with Paws, Inc for popular Garfield character for another 6 years, further solidifying the relationship and demonstrating the Company’s ability to secure long-term partnerships with leading brands

  • Animoca Brands and Paws, Inc have launched a new product under the partnership: Garfield Fitfollows the success of other Garfield products that have achieved a total of 65 million downloads to date

  • Garfield Fit is the Company’s first mobile app in the digital health apps market, worth US$ 14 billion in 2016

  • The contract renewal includes added scope of virtual reality products, expanding on the Company’s product portfolio as part of its growth strategy

ASX - March 01, 2017

This presentation has been prepared by Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (“AB1” or the “Company”). It does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require in connection with any potential investment in the Company. You should not treat the contents of this presentation, or any information provided in connection with it, as financial advice, financial product advice or advice relating to legal, taxation or investment matters.

ASX - March 01, 2017


  • Total operating revenue of $8.7m, up 15% on FY15 ($7.5m)

  • Net loss of $7.9m attributable to increased expenses including R&D spent for new product development (primarily e-books) and higher costs of revenue due to royalties paid on strong performing apps

  • Game portfolio increased by 17% to 481games, driving total cumulative downloads to reach 265m(up 51% on FY 2015)

  • Ongoing expansion of licensed brands and products, including subscription products, to continue in 2017

  • New subscription products added an additional revenue stream in 2016, and is expected to grow FY17 revenue and form a larger part of the revenue mix

ASX - March 01, 2017

Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2016

ASX - February 28, 2017

Key to Disclosures

Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations

ASX - February 28, 2017

This Corporate Governance Statement is current as at 28 February 2017 and has been approved by the board of the Company. 

ASX - February 28, 2017

Preliminary Financial Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2016

ASX - February 28, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited is pleased to announce the successful completion of the retail component (Retail Entitlement Offer) of its fully underwritten accelerated 4 for 5 non-renounceable entitlement offer (Entitlement Offer) of new ordinary shares (New Shares) as announced on ASX on 1 February 2017.

ASX - February 23, 2017

Further to the launch of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited's (ASX Code: AB1) underwritten accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer (Offer) yesterday, the Company provides the following updated indicative timetable for the Offer.

ASX - February 23, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: FingerFun (HK) Limited

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

The holder ceased to be a substantial holder on 9 February 2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 15 April 2016

The previous notice was dated 15 April 2016

ASX - February 20, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Paul John Pheby

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

ASX - February 20, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Datahouse Investments Limited

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 09 February 2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 09 December 2015

The previous notice was dated 09 December 2015

ASX - February 16, 2017

Name Director: Yat Siu

Date of last notice: 01 November 2016

ASX - February 15, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Intel Capital Corporation

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

The holder ceased to be a substantial holder on 9/2/17

The previous notice was given to the company on 18/4/16

The previous notice was dated 18/4/16

ASX - February 15, 2017

Details of substantial holder


  1. Yong Hul Capital Holdings I, Ltd (Yong Hul I)

  2. Yong Hul Capital Holdings II, Ltd (Yong Hul II)

  3. IDG-Accel China Growth Fund III L.P. (IDG Growth)

  4. IDG-Accel China III Investors L.P (IDG Investors)

  5. IDG-Accel China Growth Fund III Associates L.P

  6. IDG-Accel China Growth Fund GP III Associates Ltd

  7. Chi Sing Ho

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

The holder ceased to be a substantial holder on 09/02/2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 09/12/2015

The previous notice was dated 09/12/2015

ASX - February 15, 2017

Details of substantial holder

Name: Startive Ventures, Inc.

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): N/A

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 09/02/2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 26/04/2016

The previous notice was dated 22/04/2016

ASX - February 09, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX Code: AB1) (Company) has completed the despatch of the Retail Offer Booklet and the accompanying personalised Entitlement and Acceptance Forms to eligible retail shareholders.

ASX - February 06, 2017

On 1 February 2017, Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (Company) announced that it was seeking to raise new equity through a fully underwritten 4 for 5 accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer (Entitlement Offer) of fully paid ordinary shares (New Shares) in the Company at a price of A$0.03.

ASX - February 06, 2017

Details of a fully underwritten 4 for 5 accelerated pro rata non-renounceable entitlement offer of new ordinary shares in Animoca Brands Corporation Limited at an offer price of $0.03 per New Share.

ASX - February 06, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX Code: AB1) (Company) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the institutional component of its fully underwritten 4 for 5 accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer (Entitlement Offer) of new fully paid ordinary shares (Shares) announced to ASX on 1 February 2017.

ASX - February 03, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited – Accelerated Non-renounceable Pro-rata Entitlement Offer

ASX - February 03, 2017

On 1 February 2017, Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (Company) announced that it was seeking to raise new equity through a fully underwritten 4 for 5 accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer (Entitlement Offer) of fully paid ordinary shares (New Shares) in the Company at a price of A$0.03.

ASX - February 02, 2017

The securities of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be placed in Trading Halt Session State at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company.

ASX - February 02, 2017

New issue announcement, application for quotation of additional securities and agreement

ASX - February 02, 2017

Further to the launch of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited's (ASX Code: AB1) underwritten accelerated non-renounceable entitlement offer (Offer) yesterday, at the request of ASX, the Company provides the following updated indicative timetable for the Offer.

ASX - February 01, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (Company) has announced to ASX Limited (ASX) an accelerated pro-rata non-renounceable rights issue on the basis of four (4) fully paid ordinary shares for every five ordinary shares held by Shareholders registered at 7.00 pm (AEDT) on 3 February2017 at an issue price of $0.03 (3 cents) (Rights Issue).

ASX - February 01, 2017

New issue announcement, application for quotation of additional securities and agreement

ASX - February 01, 2017

This notice is given by Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX Code: AB1) (AB1) under section 708AA(2)(f) of the Corporations Act 2001(Cth) (Corporations Act) as notionally modified by ASIC Corporations (Non-Traditional Rights Issues) Instrument 2016/84.

ASX - February 01, 2017

This investor presentation (“Presentation”) has been prepared by Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ACN 119 327 169) (“AB1” or the “Company”) and is dated 1 February 2017. This Presentation has been prepared in relation to an accelerated entitlement offer of new AB1 ordinary shares (“New Shares”) consisting of an institutional offer and a retail offer to eligible shareholders (“Entitlement Offer”) (together the “Offer”).

ASX - February 01, 2017

Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX Code: AB1) (Company) today launched a fully underwritten accelerated non-renounceable pro-rata rights issue of 4 fully paid ordinary shares (Share) for each 5 Shares held by eligible shareholders (Entitlement) to raise approximately $5,200,000 (Entitlement Offer).

ASX - February 01, 2017

The securities of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (the "Company") will be placed in Trading Halt Session State at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company.

ASX - January 31, 2017


  • Total unaudited operating revenues of A$2.5m for the quarter, a 12% increase on 3Q16 driven by the growth in games revenue, the launch of new products including a paid book app and the subscription e-book service Thomas & Friends™: Read & Play.

  • Cash receipts from customers totalled A$2.5m (vs A$2.5m in 3Q16 and A$1.6m in 4Q15).

  • Downloads grew to 260 million, with a total of 19 million new downloads during the quarter driven by the launch of 6 new games, book apps and a subscription e-book service on iOS and Android. The e-book service consists of over 50 books, games, activities, and videos.

  • Monthly Active Users (“MAU”) averaged 12 million per month during the quarter, an increase of 4% on 3Q16

  • Thomas & Friends: Read & Play, first subscription e-book by Animoca Brands, launched globally in December, attracting 12,000 subscribers in its first month since global launch, with a total of more than 22,000 subscriptions as at 31 January 2017

ASX - January 30, 2017

This investor presentation ("Presentation") has been prepared by Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ACN 119 327 169) ("AB1" or the "Company") and is dated 29 January 2017.

ASX - January 23, 2017

Details of substantial holder (1)

Name: Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (Animoca Brands)

ACN/ARSN (if applicable): 122 921 813

The holder ceased to be a substantial holder on 23 January 2017

The previous notice was given to the company on 28 October 2016

The previous notice was dated 28 October 2016​

ASX - January 23, 2017

On 13 December 2016,  Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (ASX: AB1) (Company) announced in accordance with ASX ListingRule 3.10A that 16,413,424 fully paid ordinary shares would be released from ASX mandatory restricted security requirements on 23 January 2017.

ASX - January 17, 2017

  • Strong initial uptake of Thomas & Friends™: Read & Play, with 12,000 subscriptions in the first month since global launch, significantly ahead of management’s expectations

  • Subscription revenue adds another revenue stream to the business and is the Company’s first recurring revenue

  • Further subscription products to be added to the portfolio this year to become a larger part of the revenue mix

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