ASX - December 16, 2014
The directors of Black Fire Minerals Ltd (“Company”) (ASx: BFE) wish to advise that the date that the offer under its replacement prospectus closes is to be extended to Thursday 18 December 2014 (subject to the Company’s right to close the offer at an earlier date or to further extend the closing date without prior notice).
ASX - December 04, 2014
For the offer of 12,000,000 ordinary Shares at an offer price of 20 cents each to raise $2,400,000. Oversubscriptions of up to a further 13,000,000 ordinary Shares at an offer price of 20 cents each to raise up to a further $2,600,000 may be accepted.
ASX - November 27, 2014
Black Fire Minerals Limited (Company) advises that resolutions 3 to 7 of the Annual General Meeting scheduled to take place tomorrow on 28 November 2014 have been withdrawn. These resolutions related to the re-election of directors of the Company anticipated to be appointed in connection with the acquisition of Animoca Brands prior to the AGM.
ASX - November 03, 2014
Finally, on 23 June 2014, the Group entered into a term sheet to acquire a Hong Kong company, Animoca Brands Corporation Limited. This will see the Group change focus to become a global developer and publisher of mobile games.
ASX - October 31, 2014
During the September Quarter, Black Fire also continued to progress the 100% acquisition of Hong Kong based developer and publisher of mobile games, Animoca Brands Corporation Limited ("Animoca Brands") as announced to ASX on 23 June 2014.
ASX - October 31, 2014
For the Annual General Meeting to be held: at 11:00 am ACDT on 28 November 2014 at HLB Mann Judd (SA) Pty Ltd, 169 Fullarton Road, Dulwich, South Australia.
ASX - October 28, 2014
This presentation has been prepared by Black Fire Minerals Limited (“Black Fire”) as a summary only, and does not contain all information about Black Fire’s or Animoca Brands Corporation Limited’s (“Animoca Brands”) assets and liabilities, financial position and performance, profits and losses, prospects, and the rights and liabilities attaching to Black Fire’s or Animoca Brands’ securities.
ASX - October 24, 2014
Black Fire Minerals Limited (Company) is pleased to announce that at an extraordinary general meeting today, its shareholders passed all resolutions comprised in in the notice of extraordinary general meeting including resolution 4 approving the consolidation of its shares.
ASX - October 24, 2014
For the offer of 12,000,000 ordinary Shares at an offer price of 20 cents each to raise $2,400,000.
ASX - September 30, 2014
Further to the Company's announcements on 10 June 2014 and 23 June 2014 respectively, the Company will change focus to become a developer and publisher of mobile games for smartphones and tablets following the acquisition of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited.
ASX - September 24, 2014
The directors of Black Fire Minerals Ltd ("Black Fire") (ASx:BFE) are pleased to advise that the Company has executed a formal Share Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited ("Animoca Brands").
ASX - September 19, 2014
Black Fire Minerals Limited (Company) (ASx:BFE) refers to its announcement dated on 23 June 2014 in relation to its acquisition of 100% of the issued capital of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited.
ASX - September 16, 2014
Black Fire further advises that a draft of the Notice of Meeting to obtain shareholder approval for the sale of Pilot Mountain and also for the acquisition of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited has now been lodged with ASX (and ASIC) for its approval.
ASX - July 30, 2014
On 23 June, Black Fire also announced to ASX that it had signed an Agreement with the Vendor of Hong Kong Company, Animoca Brands Corporation Limited ("Animoca Brands") that will result in BFE acquiring 100% of the issued capital of Animoca Brands.
ASX - July 08, 2014
This presentation has been prepared by Black Fire Minerals Limited (“Black Fire”) as a summary only, and does not contain all information about Black Fire’s or Animoca Brands Corporation Limited’s (“Animoca Brands”) assets and liabilities, financial position and performance, profits and losses, prospects, and the rights and liabilities attaching to Black Fire’s or Animoca Brands’ securities.
ASX - July 07, 2014
Following Black Fire Minerals Limited’s (“Black Fire” or the “Company”) announcement on 23rd June 2014 of the proposed acquisition of Animoca Brands, the Company can now detail the proposed terms of the 600,000,000 Performance Shares to be issued to the vendors of Animoca Brands as part of the consideration for the acquisition
ASX - June 23, 2014
Black Fire Minerals Limited (“BFE” or “the Company”) has today signed an agreement with the shareholder (“Vendor”) of Hong Kong company Animoca Brands Corporation Limited (“Animoca Brands”) that will result in BFE acquiring 100% of the issued capital of Animoca Brands.